Shut-Off Valves


Shut-Off Valves

Shut-Off Valves

DIG’s range of 1/4″, 1/2″ and 3/4″ barbed and threaded shut-off valves are used for manual control of individual drip-line laterals, drip tubing or micro tubing, and for screen filters as a flush valve.

1/2″ 16 mm and 17 mm Shut-Off Valve Features

  • Watertight seal with inlet/outlet O-rings
  • Large handle for easy manual control
  • Rapid 1/4″ turn on and off
  • Constructed of UV-resistant, durable plastic material

1/4″ Shut-Off Valve Features

  • Adjustable flow from 0-25 GPH (0-95 L/H)
  • High-impact plastic
  • UV resistant
  • Secure and easy installation without glue or clamps
  • Fits all 1/4″ distribution tubing


How to Specify
16-007 Shut off valve with 1/4 in. barb
16-028 Shut off valve with 10/32 thread
Shut Off Valves
28-004 3/4 in. FNPT x 3/4 in. MNPT
28-007 .600 ID x .600 ID barb (17mm)
28-018 3/4 in. FHT x MHT flush valve
28-012 3/4 in. FPT x .520 barb (16mm)
28-013 .250 ID x .520 ID barb (16mm)
28-015 3/4" .820" ID barb (20 mm)
28-016 1" 1.06" ID barb (25 mm)

1/4" Shut-Off Valve Specifications

  • Operating pressure: up to 30 PSI (2.1 BAR)
  • Recommended operating pressure: 10 to 30 PSI (.7 to 2.1 BAR)
  • Flow rates: up to 25 GPH (95 L/H) 1/4" barb (model 16-007) fits micro tubing or micro line with .150" to .170" ID 10/32" thread (model 16-028) fits micro tubing or micro line with .160" to .170" ID
  • Materials: high-impact plastic

Shut-Off Valve Specifications

  • Operating pressure: up to 60 PSI (4.2 BAR)
  • Recommended operating pressure: 15 to 30 PSI (1 to 2.1 BAR)
  • Temperature range: up to 130°F (54°C) *Available inlet and outlet configurations:
    • 3/4" FPT x 3/4" MPT (model 28-004)
    • 3/4" FPT x 1/2" (17 mm) barb (model 28-006); fits drip tubing or drip line with .570" to .600" ID
    • 1/2" (17 mm) barb (model 28-007) fits drip tubing or drip line with .570" to .600" ID
    • 3/4" FPT x 1/2" (16 mm) barb (model 28-012); fits drip tubing or drip line with .500" to .540" ID
    • 1/2" (16 mm) barb (model 28-013); fits drip tubing or drip line with .500" to .540" ID
    • 3/4" FHT x MHT (model 28-018); use as a filter flush valve
  • Materials: high-impact plastic