LEIT 2ET, Wireless, Solar Powered Weather and Based Controller


LEIT 2ET, Wireless, Solar Powered Weather and Based Controller

LEIT 2ET, Wireless, Solar Powered Weather and Based Controller

DIG’s LEIT-2ET wireless, solar powered and weather-based system utilizes evapotranspiration (ET) data and site information to monitor and adjust daily irrigation programming for each zone according to real-time weather information provided locally. The data transmitted from a local weather station hourly and daily, utilizing a radio frequency band, 915MHz NA, 866.5MHz Hong Kong and 868MHz International. Site information provided by the LEIT RC2 ET handset, combined with the weather station data are used by the controller to calculate the daily local micro climate and automatically adjust the daily irrigation schedule.

Controller Features

  • Environmentally friendly-RoHS compliant components
  • Waterproof, IP68 compliance
  • Weather-resistant. Built from tough, rugged material to withstand harsh environmental conditions
  • Efficient photovoltaic module (PVM) energized by an ambient light (solar), high-efficiency microelectronic management system
  • Operates up to two stations and a rain sensor
  • Compatible with the Unimax S-305DC solenoid
  • Unique Client ID identity code for controller and handset
  • Information transmitted from the weather station sensors or LEIT RC2 ET handset is used to override or adjust daily scheduled irrigation programs
  • Utilizes ISM band radio frequency band (915MHz NA, 866.5MHz Hong Kong, 868MHz International) CE, IC, FCC certified, Australia and Hong Kong compliant
  • Non-volatile memory retains program and controller integrity
  • Program stacking feature prevents hydraulic overload
  • Custom station grouping allows controller to operate the two stations simultaneously if hydraulic limitations are not exceeded
  • Available with 18″ (45 cm) color-coded 16-gauge wires for each valve and rain sensor
  • Three mounting configurations including green, tan and purple valve box mounts with direct-to-valve clip mounting and column mounting with 25″ (63 cm) or 50″ (127 cm) mounting columns
  • Three-year manufacturer’s warranty

Handset Features

  • Simple, icon-based programming
  • Reviews status information, updates ET information, checks history reports, adjusts budgeting, programs rain delays and performs manual run
  • run or tests
  • Environmentally friendly – RoHS compliant components

Weather Station Features

  • Weather data transmitted is stored by the controllers and can be reviewed by the LEIT RC2 ET handsets
  • Self-emptying tipping bucket rain gauge reads rainfall in 0.01″ (.254 mm international) increments
  • The LEIT WWS and WWSE weather stations advise LEIT ET controllers to completely stop irrigation in extreme weather conditions


How to Specify
LEIT 2ET system controller
LEIT-2ET-I Europe & South Korea
LEIT-2ET-H Hong Kong, Singapore & Macau
LEIT-2ET USA, Canada & Japan
LEIT-2ET-A Australia
LEIT 2ET weather station with wind sensor
LEIT WWS USA, Canada, Australia & Japan
LEIT WWS-I Europe & South Korea
LEIT WWS-H Hong Kong, Singapore & Macau
LEIT RC2ET remote control handset
LEIT-RC2ET USA, Canada & Japan
LEIT-RC2ET-I Europe & South Korea
LEIT-RC2ET-H Hong Kong, Singapore & Macau
LEIT-RC2ET-A Australia

Controller specifications

  • Type: DC
  • Body: IP68
  • Power source: Light with 3,000 -100,000+ Lux
  • Minimum light requirements: 3,000 Lux
  • Power input: 9-volt DC pulse
  • Number of stations: 2
  • Station capacity: one 7-12 volt DC pulse, two-way latching solenoid (S-305 DC) per each set of red and white wires
  • Operating temperature: 32°F to 140°F (0°C to 60°C)
  • Controller wires gauge: 16 AWG
  • Wireless transmitter power and frequency: -7 dBm @ 920 MHz / 7 dBm @ 868 MHz / -7 dBm @ 866 MHz
  • Rain sensor connection: normally closed
  • Dimensions: 3" W x 5.5" L including antenna (7.62 cm W x 13.97 cm L)

Remote control handset specifications

  • Remote handset input: 12-volt DC
  • Power supply: rechargeable3.6V Ni/MH
  • Wireless transmitter power and frequency: 7 dBm @ 920 MHz /7 dBm @ 868 MHz / -7 dBm @ 866 MHz
  • Dimensions: 2.25" W x 5.5" L including antenna (5.72 cm W x 13.97 cm L)

Weather station specifications

  • Wireless transmitter power and frequency: -7 dBm @ 920 MHz / 7 dBm @ 868 MHz / -7 dBm @ 866 MHz
  • Humidity range and resolution: 1-99%(100% inches Hg)
  • Relative humidity accuracy: +/- 2%
  • Temperature resolution and accuracy:-40°F to +140°F (-40°C to 60°C) +/- 1%
  • Wind speed resolution and accuracy: 0MPH (KPH) to 30 MPH (49 KPH) +/- 1%
  • Rainfall resolution and accuracy: .01 inches accuracy +/- 2% @ 2" per hour
  • Operating temperature: 14°F to 140°F (-10°C to 60°C)
  • Dimensions: 6.07" W x 9.5" H x 13.65" D (15.42 cm W x 24.13 cm H x 34.67 cm D)
  • Mounting connection: 1"x12" mounting column and integrated clamp with two screws

Programming Features

  • 2 independent programs with 4 start times per program
  • Scheduled watering times run from 1 minute to 5 hours and 59 minutes duration
  • 365-day calendar with leap year
  • Custom programming with 7-day calendar or intervals from 1-39 days, odd, even or every day rotation
  • Rain delay of up to 99 days with auto-restart
  • Monthly "Off" feature allows controller to be inactive any month of the year
  • Permanent Event "Off" feature allows for 3 inactive days per year
  • Water budgeting from 10-200% in 10% increments
  • Site or zone information input into each valve when ET is active
  • ET editing feature can be used to adjust ET value
  • Individual monthly water budgeting from 10-200% in 10% increments
  • History Report provides information on valve run times, rain measurements for previous and current week and month, ET savings in percentage and total time saved
  • Manual Test and Manual Run performed via the RC2ET handset
  • Global Stop command turns off all valves with the same Client ID within radio range
  • Wind sensor setting can be set to shut down any controller within range if wind exceeds speeds of 8-25 miles per hour (12.9-40 Km/h) and using Spray, Rotor, or Microsprinker irrigation
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